This was a MAGICAL experience!!!

1 year ago

Last night, I had the privilege of meeting Matthew in North Carolina during a fantastic event at our UNIFYD Healing Center in Hendersonville, NC. He's 27 years old, just about two years older than me. Meeting him was indeed the most emotional experience of the tour thus far. When I met him, he looked at me in shock and awe, then at his mom and said, "I can't believe I'm meeting him." He then looked back at me with his eyes wide open in disbelief. He said to me, "My brain doesn't work well, and my feet and body hurt. I need to fix it".

The deeper I looked into his eyes, the deeper I could see the help his soul was asking for. I couldn't help but cry as I saw how Matthew looked back at me. He mentioned that he has been using EES technology and experiencing benefits and that one day he wants an EEQube… so I decided to surprise him with one on the spot!!! It's already on its way to Matthew's home, and I genuinely look forward to remaining in touch with him and seeing the progress he gets to experience!!

What a blessing Matthew is to our world and humanity as a whole, and what a meaningful life we get to live 💜

A special thank you to all of the UNIFYD Healing centers who make these moments happen!!

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