The devils’ diabolical plans started a long time ago

1 year ago

Provable tracking of the devils’ diabolical plans to enslave all humanity, point back to 2017 … but I am sure they actually started way before that. Cristian Terhes was able to squeeze out the official answer pointing to 2017 … anyone who can bring to light any proof pointing even earlier than that, please bring this proof in the open, so that the PEOPLE of the world can know they are simply “subjects”, “numbers” to the devils. Yes, those are actual devils, disguised as humans, walking among us and in their sick minds humans don’t even exist – their religion is that it is only them and the rest of the animals – yes, they consider us all being animals in their own private property, in their sick minds it is them and monkeys, cats, Canadians, donkeys, giraffes, Americans, leopards, crocodiles, Germans, chickens, horses, Russians, tigers, dolphins, Chinese, etc., etc., in their sick minds humans do not even exist.
These actual devils MUST be liquidated – it is the ONLY way to prevent entire humanity from being completely and forever enslaved by the devils.

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