Your Children Are the Clear Target - The war against Children - April 4, 2023

1 year ago

Your Children Are the Clear Target - The war against Children - April 4, 2023

I invite you to view the world around us from a Godly Worldview using Critical Thinking - because - You’re only as good as you think ...

I believe that will lead us to our optimal physical and Spiritual health as individuals and as a society.

You probably noticed that April Fool’s Day was cancelled this year — because no one could make up a prank that could match the unbelievable BS going on in the world right now!

I chose the music at the beginning to go with today’s main topic. That topic is our children - your children and my children. Your Children Are the Clear Target of the battle over their souls, their minds and their bodies. This is not a new battle. It has been going on since the beginning. Gen 3:15

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”

We specifically think of this as describing the birth and sacrifice of Christ but it also signifies that satan and his followers are at war with the children of mankind and seek to destroy them. Today I will explore some of the tactics that have become blatantly obvious to many of us. When you see it happening, stop telling yourself that it cant happen.


Wicked and evil men have gained unprecedented control at the global level.

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