Hebrews 11:6-8; Apr 30, 2023; Enoch Walked With God and God Took Him

1 year ago

We continue our study in Hebrews 11, God’s “Hall of Fame,” looking at the lives of Enoch, whom God translated because he please God; Noah, who obeyed God’s command to build an ark to escape the impending judgment of the flood; and Abraham, who obeyed God’s command to leave pagan Ur and travel to a land “that I will show you.” All three humbly heard God, responded in faith by calling upon the name of the Lord for salvation, and demonstrated their faith through their lives and actions, even though it meant believing God’s promises despite opposition. As we reflect on the lives of these heroes of faith in light of the growing opposition of the gospel today, Pastor Kevin exhorts us to persevere in faith in these last days, remembering that “…the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:17).

Associated notes and links are at calvarypo.org under Sermon Archives, Hebrews, https://calvarypo.org/sermons/enoch-walked-with-god-and-god-took-him-hebrews-116-8/


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