Township Board Meeting 5/9/23 - Ep. 1

1 year ago

12:08 - Solar ordinance #58-2023 and ordinance #59-2023 to end the solar moratorium will be enacted before end of day on 5/11/23.

16:10 - Mouth Cemetery maintenance. More than 300 youth coming in to remove damaging trees and repair fences. Email the township with other township projects the youth can do while here.

25:15 - CPR Classes. Call township if interested. Price $30/person. Classes will depend on interest and will be on a Thursday.

30:48 - Sadony Bayou update

38:05 - Planning commission will be recommending to the board new zoning enforcement officers to routinely patrol our township looking for unauthorized home renovations and other zoning violations.

39:40 - Ambulance and Fire Authority update

50:08 - Township spent $26k this past month. Includes almost $1k for election equipment service renewal, over $10k in attorney fees, and over $2k in consulting fees.

52:40 - Potential November vote to repeal the recently passed industrial solar ordinance that limits solar to 500 acres with 600 foot setbacks.


"Like" the video, "follow" the channel, and comment on any observations or concerns about what happened in the meeting. The township needs citizens to pay attention and tell their neighbors, friends, and family about what is happening in our community.

Commit to going to one township board meeting (2nd Tues. of the month @ 7pm) per year and one planning commission meeting (3rd Tues. of the month @ 6:30pm) per year. Location: 7386 Post Rd, Montague, MI 49437

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