God will punish all the wicked and make them suffer His judgements

1 year ago

The wicked deserve to suffer God wrath and judgements in the tribulation period, He hates the wicked and will make them pay and they will pay, the lukewarm will be left behind to and all the so called pastors to, they will have to find Jesus by themselves and no churches around the antichrist will have them destroyed, bibles destroyed, crosses and there will be one world government and religion and if you do not accept it you will be killed and those who got the vaccines will be doing the killing and loving it, they have no souls anyway just cold hearted wicked people they are and full of pride and demons, when you get the vaccine you trample on God who made you and say the vaccine is my savior now and protects me!! Wrong it can't protect you from the tribulation judgements or God pouring out His wrath and it is those who worship the antichrist that get the 7 Bowl judgements poured out on them, and they deserve it!! They will get boils, the sun will be so hot it will burn them, demons will sting them, water will be turned into blood of all the people they persercuted and killed!! Jesus will use His sword and kill them all and they will be in the lake of fire with Satan, his demonic angels, the antichrist and false prophet forever and ever, their torment will never end and God has zero to do with them, you see those who made the vaccines made the mark of the beast!! It has 666 to it and the microchip so when you get it, they know who you are and destroys your DNA, red blood cells and white blood cells so you are a walking posion bag now and it is those who got the vaccines that are always sick and dying and in hospitals because they are stupid!! God will destroy the wicked and those outside of Jesus still have the Father's wrath on them, they are not protected by Jesus at all or covered in His blood, God hates the wicked and will make them suffer and pay!! And all of them will!! The wrath of God will be poured out for 7 years and the lukewarm and wicked will be here in the tribulation period and suffer from it, Israel will be punished for rejecting Jesus, the lukewarm phony fake church crowd will be punished for acting like they know God but did not and put pastors, being a church member above God and have to find Jesus by themselves and get killed in a very anti God world controlled by the antichrist now , and the wicked will suffer the most because God will have enough and make them pay and will make sure they all suffer His very hot anger!!! And they will, God is not tolerate at all and hates the sodomites the gays lesbians trans, murderers, that includes those who do abortions, cultists that includes church of Christ, Mormons, Jehovah witness, and everyone who follows a false religion, drunkards, gamblers, abuser's, false prophets, self righteous church crowd, those who blaspheme God, the rich, those who love themselves, those who love yoga and magic art's, sex offenders, rapists, racists who hate and cry all the time, those who persercute Christians and kill them, thieves, mockers and scoffers, the list goes on and on and those who rejected Jesus their names are not written in the Lamb book of life and they are not forgiven at all, they are outside and not protected at all, the games are over and God is super angry now,

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