I Don't Like It

1 year ago

I don't like it. It is way outside my comfort zone! No! Not doing it that way! We don’t like God’s method’s. We don’t like God’s ways. We don’t like God’s timing. We don’t like God’s plan. When we swirl all this negative, stinking thinking around in our mind, before we know it, we are in full fledged rebellion against God. I can do this myself! I can do it better! Rebellion and foolish impulsivity pretty much go hand in hand. When we are impulsive, pride is always in the mixture and the one thing about pride that is always going to come through in our lives, is that pride goes before a fall. Whenever I have bucked up my will against God, it hasn’t ended so well.

God, I don’t understand Your ways and sometimes I can’t even wrap my mind around why You do things the way You do. Ever said this to God? Truly, who are we to question God? To think we can do, speak and be without God, without His strength and favor? Who are we to think we don’t need God? This kind of choice, independence from God has a crash and burn endgame. The only place we will end up is flat on our face. Well, this might be a good thing, being flat on our face before God, it is very humbling and probably will bring us back into wholly-holy alignment with God.

We do need God, there is no doubt about that. So, I hope for all of us to side step the deceptive traps of the enemy and walk with God in joy, strength, peace and wisdom. Lord, keep us dependent upon You in that heart to heart relationship with You. We are better people when we are in followship of You, Your ways, truth, life.
Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/god-causes-it/

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