Facilities in China Are Converted to “Dual-Use for Peace and Emergency”. What Is the Purpose?

1 year ago

Another sign that Xi Jinping and the CCP could be actively preparing for war.
On Apr 28, the Political Bureau of the CCP held a meeting to analyze and study the current economic situation and tasks related to the economy. A special term, and a special concept “平急两用” was mentioned for the first time at this level of the CCP’s meetings, and this has drawn quite some attention.
“平急两用” can be translated as “dual-use for peace and emergency”, or “dual use in normal and emergency situations”. According to the CCP’s official explanation, “dual use in normal and emergency situations” means facilities used for tourism, health preservation, etc. during normal times, should be immediately converted into quarantine and treatment facilities in the event of major public emergencies.
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