We all have God given talents (The parable of the talents Matthew 25:14-30)

1 year ago

We all have God given talents (The parable of the talents Matthew 25:14-30)
During our ministerial training, there was a time when we had to take a personality test so everyone would gain an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. One of the things that things that I found quite interesting is polarizing careers shared so many of the exact same characteristic traits. One such incident is that the most successful pastors in the world share the exact same characteristic traits as organized crime bosses. They are both organized, goal oriented, planners that are leaders who are willing to move mountains to accomplish what they want accomplished. It is not the skills or talents that we have that dictate our career but instead it is the way we choose to use and apply them. In our parable of the says that the master of a property left three of his servants in charge while he was away and expected them to run things for him. It says that he gave each of them talents (a form of money) and expected them to conduct business on his behalf while he was gone. When the master returned, he meets with each of the servants and held them accountable for what they had done while he was gone and how they managed the talents that he had left them with. How they chose to handle what the master had given them, determined their reward or punishment from the master.
One of the things that every individual in this world needs to realize is that God has given all of us talent to be used for His kingdom. As I mentioned in the beginning analogy the way we choose to use these talents will determine whether they are affective for the kingdom of God or not. If we have a beautiful singing voice, do we use it to glorify God or do you use your voice to gain fame and fortune. If you are talented in the realm of business, do you spend all your time building your bank account or do you use your talents to grow the Kingdom of God and help those in need. You were given a servant’s heart; do you donate your time to worthless causes or do you use your talents to lift and encourage others to know Jesus Christ. Just like in the parable of the talents there is master that is going to return one day, and He is going to exam our stewardship of what He has left us with. The way we handled and used the talents that we were entrusted with, will determine our reward or punishment on that day. We have three choices, use our talents to grow the Kingdom of God, bury and hide our talents all together, or selfishly use our talents for our own profit and success. We will all answer for what we have done, the best thing we can all do is to humbly seek God for our purpose in this world and His plan for our life. When He answers, we need to pursue that purpose with all our heart and use our talents to fulfill that purpose.

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