Dr. David Martin Provides Compelling Evidence That COVID-19 Was a PLANNED Event

1 year ago

• 2014 - The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, "conveniently" received an exemption on the gain-on-function moratorium from Fauci's NIAID.

• 2016 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences touted WIV1 (Wuhan Institute of Virology Virus 1) was "poised for human emergence." (https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1517719113)

• 2017/2018 - "There is going to be an accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen" became a commonly-used phrase.

• April 2019 - "Four patent applications of Moderna were modified to include the term 'accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen' as the justification for making a vaccine for a thing that did not exist."

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