THINK TWICE | UK Reaction to Quebec Flavour Ban | RegWatch

1 year ago

The Quebec provincial government’s plan to ban flavours in nicotine vaping products appears out of step with the science on vaping and runs in stark contrast with the UK government’s astonishing new plan to provide 1 million smokers a free vaping starter kit to help smokers in England to quit for good.

Joining us today with reaction from the UK on Quebec’s proposed flavour ban is Louise Ross, a clinical consultant at UK’s National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training, the business development manager for the Smoke Free app, and chair for the New Nicotine Alliance, a registered charity dedicated to promoting issues around tobacco harm reduction.

Is opposition to vaping in Canada getting noticed? Find out!

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Released: May 9, 2023
Produced by Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by STLTH

Part of our “Last Stand” Canada Coverage.

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