r3tard play rando rpg maker games40(Stellar Bewitching)

1 year ago

-hard to tell where to go on outside bar paths are too dark
-5:00 bust char doesnt look the same
-doesnt look like there is an autosave
-too much grind for lvl 15
-enemy are always the same
- dont seem to be a way to fully recover for free other than leveling up
-ivan doesnt look like his bust
-make skills with instant cast another color, it would be easier to see than writing it
-hard to see how many time l have to hit weakness until a stun
-no recover at 1:25:00 while being underleveled made me do the fight over and over until l had the rng for it
-unbalanced last boss, 3 attacks every turn with a aoe skill that does 1k-1.2k dmg to be almost a 1 shot is stupid, even with boosting slime with extra attack to stun l couldnt keep up
-penguin skill that boost attack should have the same cooldown as the duration since its user only. keep state if dead and revived.
-states going one by one makes it hard to see them. multiple times l had to wait until they all passed before realizing the state wasnt there
-some enemy states are going off screen because the sprite is too big
-some enemy sprites are looking at the front
-stun mechanic is a bit awkward, actors most of the time have only 1 element so you end up using it anyways and even if a weakness is by attacking youre never going to do that for only a 1 turn stun. stun also doesnt seem to increase your damage.

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