America is Already at War!

1 year ago

⚜️ Americans like to think that their guns keep them safe however, we’re losing our country. Because we are and have been engage in a type of warfare.

We still do not yet recognize idealogical subversions designed to erode and destroy the fabric of our nation has been conducted for decades. Causing maximum distortion and confusion to our identity as a nation.

You can find documentation that easily outlines the strategy, such as the Socialist Handbook online, as we see ourselves divided on everything that is important to a nation. Our men get rendered combat ineffective to the point that no one wants to join our military.

Americans are nolonger proud to be Americans. We can not agree on the identity of a woman, sexual orientation, medical considerations, etc. Even worse we can’t engage in thoughtful disagreemetns on these matters because emotional intelligence has sunk to an all-time low. Based on paid for science designed to cause us to value emotions over logic.

People don’t know how to think for themselves and we’re now in a position where we can lose our nation without a shot being fired. Generations have been conditioned to new ideologies that are predatorial to us . We need a great awakening and a return to the value systems that cause us not just to be formidable but also empower us to perform as a great nation.

Make no mistake, we are at war and have been at war for decades for the soul of our nation. But the great tragedy is that no one realizes it because it has been a war of ideology waged by social engineering on every level.

If we continue not to think for ourselves and be influenced by those who have sold the country we love in to slavery. This infiltration and reconstruction of our country from within will make us fall.

Challenge and question everything, and choose above all to be a person of substance and value regardless of what TV says.

Love you all! ⚡



🎥 Video editing by @art_production07

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