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Interview 463 with Danielle Baker

Streamed on:

Danielle Baker was an active RN (Certified Hospice and Palliative Care)
for 20 years who loved her job. She spent the last 17 years caring for
her patients in hospice care. In June of 2021, she was coerced into
taking the CO VID-1 9 “vac cine” after her former employer issued an
email stating a July deadline if the employee’s wanted to maintain all
of their benefits. Having a family to care for, she couldn’t afford to
lose her job, so she reluctantly took the Pf izer jabs. Within 2.5 weeks
after her last shot, she became completely disabled, suffering from
severe neurological issues, demyelination of the spine, and getting
the diagnosis of transverse myelitis, which her doctor confirmed was
due to the P fizer jab.
Since that time, Danielle has been unable to work as she has difficulty completing even the simplest
tasks such as walking and self-care. She lives in constant suffering each day, never knowing the degree
of difficulty she will face each day. She has three core physicians, but has seen several other doctors in
an attempt to find relief to no avail. In fact, during her last hospital admission, doctors unfamiliar with
her told her she has a psychological problem and suggested they order a psychiatric evaluation.
Knowing that no one filed a VA ERS report on her behalf, Danielle filed her own. She sent the F DA an
email explaining her situation to warn others what can happen after these shots, and to let the F DA
know she was filing a VA ERS report. After this email, she noticed her finalized report in the system had
mysteriously disappeared. Is the F DA intentionally removing such claims of injury?
Danielle is one of the first nurses to go on disability due to the CO VID-1 9 jab in the state of Ohio and is
also now on social security disability. She has an active worker’s compensation case against her former
employer and hopes to become a trailblazer, opening the door for others in similar situations to seek
the justice they deserve.
Here is a short TikTok video Danielle made to tell her story.
Please contact me at the info below to book Danielle for your show.
Kevin Tuttle, 608-630-7668, kevin.tuttle@spiritpr.net.
The Coerced Nurse @homcrn_baker
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  • 0/2000
  • Hi Jesse. Watching the replay

  • I’m so sorry to hear of your injuries Danielle

  • This video brought tears to my eyes and I have tears as I type this. I lost my younger brother on May 13/2021 to the jab (Moderna), he lived in Clinton, BC. He died laying on his floor at home from what appeared to be internal bleeding, I say "appeared" because an autopsy was refused even though we offered to pay. I also lost my job because I refused to get the jab. This whole nightmare is destroying so many lives yet BigPharm and our corrupt governments still push the poison with no end in sight. My brothers death inspired me to create a vaccine detox website to help others and I hope Jesse will allow me to post it here, if not please delete. The link is: www.DiamondzDetox.com I also have a large following on my Rumble channel and will upload this video there today with her information in the video description. I have a lot of Covid/Vaccine related videos there. My Rumble channel is www.rumble.com/Diamondz Prayers to everyone who has been hurt by this SCAMdemic and the poison they pushed on so many and still do. ~Gail

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