Living Our Best Lives

1 year ago

"Remember that thou are dust, and unto dust, thou shall return....."
Ash Wednesday Liturgy

This week millions of Christians worldwide begin a 40-day journey of self-reflection, personal sacrifice, and prayer. In addition, many of us will start the Season of Lent with the imposition of ashes on our foreheads as a reminder of our mortality and promise of eternal life.

Traditionally people have given up something for this period of time, whether by fasting or denial. We've all heard: I'm giving up chocolate for Lent.

This year I would like to invite you to share in a slightly different practice. Living with a positive spirit and our best lives.

Instead of or in addition to giving up those things which, when done in moderation, bring us joy, let's focus on giving up those things which are negative influences and actions in our lives. Let's give up things like aggressive driving, irrational arguing, random prejudices, or anything else that causes us to separate ourselves from God. Let's put them on the altar of sacrifice and begin a permanent transformation to a better and more positive life.

Radical? Perhaps. But if life is a gift of God and gifts are to be cherished and enjoyed, let's begin today by making our lives the best ever!

Remember, our earthly body will become dust, but our souls live forever!

Praying for Temple University.....

Pastor Lou Strugala

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