We Must Stop Social Media's Death Grip On Our Kid's Data and Attention

1 year ago

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We are facing an epidemic of depression, despair, and suicidal thoughts among our teenagers. Have you seen it in your own home? It is no coincidence that these numbers are skyrocketing along with the rapid growth in teens being engrossed in social media. So what can we as parents do? Do we need to take away their phones or are there other ways to keep our children away from the most toxic influences online?

Utah is taking groundbreaking steps by forcing residents to be eighteen years old to create a social media account or have parental permission if they are younger. New legislation there also requires users to prove they are adults before being allowed to access pornographic sites.

Sara welcomes Michigan State University Law Professor Adam Candeub, who is also a senior fellow at the Center for Renewing America. Prof. Candeub explains why he believes Utah is on the right track and that requiring proof of identification every time people log on will "transform the internet."

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Read Professor Candeub's article: https://dailycaller.com/2023/04/26/candeub-new-state-law-pushes-back-against-big-tech-to-protect-children-from-social-media/

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