Yes, No Maybe Reading 🔮 ASK A QUESTION❓

1 year ago

Yes, No, Maybe Reading – ASK A QUESTION

NO - You're the Boss
When it comes to living a Six-Sensory life, you have to make a choice. To trust your vibes, you must stop allowing other people's opinions and fears to override them or cause you to doubt or ignore what you feel. Trusting your vibes is an extremely self-empowered decision. It frees you from seeking approval and invites you to experience the peace of self-approval and acceptance. Be careful not to shop your vibes to seek agreement. Trust the guidance you receive without confirmation from others.We often take our psychic guidance to the one person we know will discount or dismiss it in the hopes that if we can just convince this person, we'll validate our guidance. But it won't work.

Don't set yourself up for this kind of sabotage. Yes, trusting your vibes is scary because when doing so you take full responsibility for your life. Yet, isn't it far scarier to allow someone else to run your life? So muster your courage and take charge. Your vibes are trustworthy and are there to help you. Ignore those who interfere, and decide that when it comes to your life, you're the boss.

MAYBE - See this from a Higher Perspective
When this card comes to you, you are in a crucial energy space where you have the real opportunity to move beyond the limitations of your ego and any selfish desires. Today the Universe is coming in and offering you a higher perspective.

This time is pivotal in your soul's evolution, for you are learning about your gifts but also being confronted by your ego and weaknesses. Limiting old ideas will be telling you that there's not enough for everyone, that if you don't fight you won't succeed, and that if you don't push, you'll never get what you want. There's also a good chance that an old story is revisiting you, but this isn't because you're taking backward steps, it's to remind you how far you have come.

This is your chance to take the higher road. Know that you deserve abundance and there is enough to go round. Know that the Universe is leading you to your greatest good, because good things happen to good people and you are good! Prove it now by doing everything with love and respect!

YES - Magic Stream
Every experience you have seems to have its own life story, with a beginning; a middle; and eventually, an end. However, there is danger in seeing events as separate from one another, since in fact they are all part of a continuity and a greater evolution.

Like an ever-flowing Magic Stream, your experiences filter through the whole world, one leading into another, informing and influencing still more. Inspiration, invention, and revelations rarely come to just one person. The collective awareness is a shared storehouse of potential. When you remember you're part of the fluid continuity of life, you become a channel for great inspiration. Allow the magic to flow through you and carry your dreams into reality. Your success will benefit many.


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