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The Mystery of the Two Trees in the Midst of the Garden of Eden

1 year ago

There are many hidden meanings behind the two trees in the midst of the garden of Eden. One of the most important meanings is related to the law that gives life and the law that condemns souls to eternal death. Understanding the mystery of the two trees is one of the keys to freeing your soul from the realm of the dead.

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  • Again because i can not say it enough, Pao a lovely man, stands in and has tons of integrity and all i can say with absolute conviction is follow Pao and buy his book "Born again" you Will not regret it. This man has the hand of G-d on him to guide you back to the knowlegdge that rightly belongs to us All and Pao is literally spelling it out to you! Reclaim your power. G-d bless you Pao G-d bless you All. Love Nikki

  • Again, thank you, Pao, man of God.

  • I very much enjoyed this, thank you for sharing

  • Pao has tons of integrity and all i can say with absolute conviction is follow Pao and buy his book "Born again" you Will not regret it. This man has the hand of G-d on him to guide you back to the knowlegdge that rightly belongs to us All and Pao is literally spelling it out to you! Reclaim your power. G-d bless you Pao Nikki

    1 like
  • That made things a lot clearer, I've been following the tree of knowledge which is bad and evil and no saviour there. When we have the tree of life, forgiveness and love and understanding in this world. Thank you for clearing this up. It is so easy to fall into the trap. I just thank the lord for bringing me to this path as I have found it difficult in life lately. This has made it a lot easier.