Hawaii - Trust your eyes not the lies.

1 year ago

From the upper Pilot Mountain visitors parking lot their is a lookout that faces toward Mt Mitchell which is 108 miles away. The same distance shown in this video.

We should not see Mt Mitchell from Pilot Mountain if we use the earth curvature calculator as our guide.

God has revealed what He built for us. Why then do you believe the lies? We are to live in this world but we are not OF this world as followers of the Lamb of God who came to save us from the lies.

The world system hates Jehovah and His Son Yahshua. All Satan has done since the first fall of man in the Garden of Eden is continue the game of deception he used to deceive Adam and Eve. Satan wants you to believe that the real King and ruler in heaven is not good or He is far far away not able to see our world and all the shenanigans Satan has put forth to mess with our understanding of basic biblical and logical truth.

God's physical and real Throne is directly above the earth. He is near to the broken hearted and His Arm is not too short to save us in our time of need.

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