To fight the CCP, you need to start with American proxies

1 year ago

05/08/2023 【 @WayneDupreeShow 】 Nicole in WayneDupreeShow: If America had a policy to stop the Chinese people from fleeing, that is going to be a national tragedy because you can not conflate the CCP with the Chinese people. We have already become the victim of the CCP and we don't need to become a victim again by a weaponized the DOJ, FBI and the policies. In order to stop the CCP infiltration, you have to root out the American proxies who have been taking the CCP money and doing the CCP is a dirty bidding inside your own government agencies.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
05/08/2023 【 @WayneDupreeShow 】 妮可作客WayneDupreeShow:如果美国出台一项阻止中国人民逃离中共国的政策,那将会是一个国家悲剧,因为你不能将中共和中国人民混为一谈。我们已经受到了中共的迫害,我们不要被中共武器化的司法部,联邦调查局及其政策对我们进行二次迫害。为了阻止中共的渗透,必须把这些中共在美国代理人连根拔起,他们一直拿着中共的钱,在自己的政府机构内为中共做着肮脏的交易。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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