1 year ago

We want to take a moment to address the recent statement released by the district regarding the ongoing situation. While we are pleased to hear that the case has been submitted to the proper authorities, we want to reiterate that our movement is nonviolent and any actions taken by individuals that are outside of that scope should be dealt with by the appropriate authorities.
We also want to clarify that our focus is on seeking justice for the child who was assaulted and advocating for accountability and transparency from the district. We believe that all children deserve to be safe and protected in their learning environments, and it is our duty to ensure that this is the case.
We appreciate the district's efforts to assess the situation and work with relevant agencies, and we hope that they will prioritize the safety and well-being of the children and families in their care.
We will continue to advocate for what is right and just, and we urge the district to take meaningful steps towards accountability and transparency. Thank you to all our supporters who are standing with us in this important fight. #HiddeninPlainview #plainviewisd

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