The Macho Man Calls Out Hulk Hogan in Epic Shakespearean Promo

1 year ago

The Macho Man Calls Out Hulk Hogan in Epic Shakespearean Promo

Step back in time to the legendary feud between two of wrestling's greatest icons - the Macho Man and Hulk Hogan. In this classic promo from the past, witness the Macho Man's passionate and poetic challenge to his longtime rival. With Shakespearean subtitles adding a new level of drama and gravitas, this epic showdown is not to be missed. Join us on a journey through wrestling history and witness the greatness of these two titans of the ring.

Harken, fair Hogan.
Recalleth the days of yore, when the Mega Powers were joined in league.
Verily, thou didst offereth many vows to the Macho Man, didst thou not?
Vows thou failed to keepeth, and I remember one above all others.
Thou didst pledge that Elizabeth would ne'er be placed in perilous predicament.
Yet thou didst breaketh that vow, didst thou not, Hulk Hogan?
And who didst come forth to make the save, when peril didst loom large?
The Macho Man, who once more hath to shield fair Wendy Savage from thy fickle ways.

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