1 year ago

We are deeply disturbed by the recent news that a 6-year-old child was sexually assaulted at Plainview ISD Elementary South. It is unacceptable that the district chose to keep this heinous act hidden from the child's parents and guardians. We stand with the community in demanding accountability and justice for this child and her family.
We want to make it clear that this is not a matter of politics, but of basic human decency. We cannot allow the safety and well-being of our children to be compromised for the sake of protecting those in power. It is our right and responsibility to protect our children and speak out against any injustice, regardless of political affiliation.
We call on Plainview ISD to take swift action to ensure the safety of all students and to hold accountable those responsible for this gross negligence. Our thoughts and support are with the victim and her family during this difficult time. #HiddeninPlainview #plainviewisd @PlainviewTX

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