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![85. Question Boldly III of IV, Dr. Tom Lawson and Egyptian Pyramids](
85. Question Boldly III of IV, Dr. Tom Lawson and Egyptian Pyramids
Today I talk with Tom Lawson, PhD. He has extensive knowledge of the pyramids. He has insider understanding of the Pyramids of Giza and had been inside the Pyramids to include parts that most have not been allowed to enter. Please listen to this whole episode for more.
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85. Question Boldly III of IV, Dr. Tom Lawson and Egyptian Pyramids
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: [00:00:00] As an intel officer and also as an F fa a R traffic controller, I had access to a possible Raytheon's litter, laser infrared detection, and ranging system that was brand new. Developed a tunnel find back in 2009, and when they found out that we might have access to Raytheon bringing their Lidar system into Egypt, they went nuts.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: The real search in Egypt, their real hunt is for the Atlantian Hall of records. Because the Egyptian pyramids were not built by ancient Egyptians, they were built by fleeing atlantians.
Nurse Kelly: Welcome to After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff, for he can share ideas and thoughts with you. He gets to the heart of the issue so that you can find the truth. The views and opinions expressed are his and do not [00:01:00] represent the US Army, d o d, nor the US government. Dr. Sigoloff was either off duty or unapproved leave, and Dr. Sigoloff was not in uniform at the time. Of recording now to Dr. Sigoloff .
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: All right, well thank you for joining us again today. I first wanna give a shout out and a thank you to all my Patreon supporters. We've got Shell pace at the $50 level, Sam and Angela Sheey at the $20 and 20 cents. We've got the Pandemic Reprimand at $17 and 76 cents.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: We have Ty, Charles, tinfoil Stanley, Dr. Anna, and she was a guest previously Frank and a new one of Brian. Thank you Brian. Kevin. Alans at the Self-Made $10 level. We have the refined Not Burn, $5 level with Linda Emmy, Joe Pat, and Bev, pj, Rebecca, Marcus, Elizabeth, Dawn, Jennifer. And we have the courage is contagious with Amanda, Jay SPTs, nasty Darrel, Suzanne PV King, who was a guest.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And Rick, thank you so much for all your support, for your monetary support, for all your prayers, you know we're still fighting the Secretary of Defense [00:02:00] vehemently. And you know, the, this, my legal fees are now I north of $70,000. And so this is getting to be quite a burden. So if you are able to donate it all, go to my gifts and go greatly appreciate it.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: If you're able to pray, please give us all the prayers that you can. My next guest today, I'm very honored to introduce Dr. Tom Lawson. He's a PhD in clinical psychology, psychiatry. And look, he's done quite a few things in his life. He's been an air traffic controller, but he's got a special personal interest.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And sir, if you'd like to, to explain some of that,
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: well let me see if I can offer an overview. I have I went back late in life for a PhD. Because I'm interested in human consciousness and ever since I was 20 years old, I was in the Air Force for four years active duty. And I went to the University of Berlin when I was about 20 years old and I saw a statue of Nefertiti and it just blew something.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Just drew me to Egypt. [00:03:00] And then I began researching because I, when I was in col I was an undergraduate, I was in college and I learned hypnosis and accidentally hypnosis. And a friend of mine wanted me to hypnotize and I hypnotize him without knowing anything about it. Zero training. And can you even take this for what it's worth?
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: I'm not asking you to believe it. He started talking about a lifetime before in France and he spoke perfect idiomatic French. Perfect. And we were in France at every Air Force base. I was raised Roman Catholic. I didn't have a clue. I thought you were a frog in a previous life. I hyt 109 other people, 108 told me they lived before.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: I said, wait a minute. Everything I've ever learned is incomplete. Then I started doing research in other areas and yeah, I became an air traffic controller for the F faa. I was an air traffic controller in the airports and eventually I became [00:04:00] a reserve into Losser in the Navy. And I was in a Navy for 24 years.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: I retired in nine in 2006 when I turned 60. I'm 77 now. But to, I became very involved surreptitiously with a group of people that are the ultimate insiders on the great pyramid in the sinks. And if you'd like me to talk about that or you want me to give an overview, most people have no clue. Like I didn't.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: They just think that the pyramid, there's 8 million people a year at least go to the pyramids, and most people think they're tombs. There's 138 pyramids, nine major pyramids. There has never been a body, a tomb, a pharaoh, a mummy, anybody ever found in any pyramid. But the official line is that the pyramids were built as tombs.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: [00:05:00] Well, what conventional Egyptologists will never tell you is that there are 62 royal tombs located in the Valley of Kings, about 500 miles south of the Giza Plateau of Cairo. The Giza Plateau is the three pyramids in the swings. It sits out on a scarp just west of Cairo. And the Nile River 10,000 years ago used to be there.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: So in my own research and my reading over many, many, many years, what I discovered was that there are anomalies that the conventional exoteric means open the standard line. And you know, as an intel officer, you're taught disinformation and propaganda. And I also learned that doing therapy as a clinical psychologist is that people will tell [00:06:00] you what they need to tell you even though they don't believe it.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: And I, to give you an example of it, one time I was doing some marital therapy with a couple and she was very overbearing and I said to him that a husband. Do you feel your wife is overbearing? And he says, no. So that gives you the body language. He shakes, he nods his head and says, no. Well, if you don't think that doesn't work in politics.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: I lived in Washington, DC for eight years and I found Terry Truman was telling the truth when he said, if you want a friend in DC, get a dog. So if I may, let me go back to the pyramids. Most people, when they've taken the Egypt, they're taken by standard, conventional tour guides and they say, here it is.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Here's where [00:07:00] CFU was buried. Here's where Karey was buried. Here's what, where Manura was buried. The problem is they weren't buried there. Nobody was buried there. So the question then arises why were they built? And I suggest to you, And I, I, we won't have time to go into it today if you'd like to have me back on and I can do my presentation, which I've given to various groups.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: It's a bunch of slides, but a picture's worth a thousand words. And as an intel officer and also as an f FAA or traffic controller, I had access to a possible Raytheon's litter, laser, infrared detection and ranging system that was brand new. Developed a tunnel find back in 2009. And I contacted certain people and when they found out that we might have access to Raytheon bringing their LIDAR [00:08:00] system into Egypt, They went nuts.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: So I was coordinating with the Dr. Michael Johnson of Raytheon to try to get them in there because the real search in Egypt of the insiders, and I'll describe the two major insiders. The, the two most notable Egyptologists of the last hundred years since 1933 is Dr. Mark Lerner and Dr. Zahi, both of them, one of them publicly.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Dr. Mark Lerner has publicly stated and written a book on it before he discovered his reputation was be destroyed if he kept onto this position. But Dr. Zahi secretly, and I have the emails to prove it, the real hunt is for the Atlantian Hall of records because. The Egyptian pyramids [00:09:00] were not built by ancient Egyptians.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: They were built by fleeing atlantians. Now you say that's crazy. Where's the evidence for that? Let me offer you some evidence. There are multiple maps and the ancient world, and I'll mention a couple of them. One of the maps is by a Turkish admiral drawn in 1513 ab. His name was Piri, which means Admiral PII Reese.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: He was beheaded in 1549. He was a young guy. He drew a map of the western part of South America and of the northwest part of Antarctica with no ice. So there's a guy named Professor Charles Hapgood. Who wrote a book in 1953, I think, called The Path [00:10:00] of the Polls, and the guy who wrote the introduction to that book was none other than Albert Einstein.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: And the theme of the book was there have been three polar shifts in the last hundred thousand years with the last one being in 10,940 bc, give or take a cir, give or take a few years. There's another map called the Oran PHAs Map, published in 1533. That is all of Antarctica with no ice. Now here's what's interesting.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: When people like Dr. Mark Lerner and Dr. Zahi Watts, they claim that the Egyptians no atlantians, no aliens, nobody else built the pyramids. Well, The problem with that is professor Charles Hak of the University of King, New Hampshire, [00:11:00] he found this map when he was doing research and the Library of Congress that was a gift from the Turkish Naval Naval admiralty, and it, and he wrote notes on the side of it, and it says, this map I drew from ancient source maps, 20 of them, at least in the Turkish admiralty.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Well, what's interesting is this, there are lines of longitude on that map. The problem with this is in 1513 in order, and we lived on our catamaran, we were gonna sail around the world. Phil Navy called me back on active duty. But what happened was the lines of longitude demand a chronometer, and they demand five seconds a month in order to find lines of longitude.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Well, here's the problem. There were no kilometers till 1780 till William Harrison invented the chronometer. But [00:12:00] what's really interesting is this, they sent this map to the US Air Force's H strategic reconnaissance swing of B 52 base at Westover Air Force Base. And on July the eighth, 1960, there was a letter written by Colonel William Olden Byer, who was the olden Meer, who was the executive officer.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: And he said, we have no idea how this map could have been made. All we can say we're intrigued by it an an article with no ice, and it couldn't have been drawn any earlier than 4,000 BC. Now, The Egyptologist claim, the pyramids were built in 26 50, between 3026 50, and on this map, the zero degree line of longitude ran [00:13:00] directly through the Great Pyramid.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Now, if you look at the Great Pyramid, it is an exact replica of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. And I mean, exact, the only thing more accurate than the Great Pyramids measurements is satellite imaging. And that didn't, that didn't happen until like the seventies or the eighties. But let me give you a little background on the Great Pyramid.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: The Great Pyramid does not have four sides. It has eight sides. I won't go into all the reasons, but they're very technical. They're contained in a book like this. This is a great book. It's called Thought Architect of the Universe, and it has really good information on the Great pyramid. And I'll mention one other book that I highly recommend.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: [00:14:00] This was written by English linguist named Peter Laier called The Great Pyramid Decoded. So when we look at the Great Pyramids technical specs, if you take that pyramid, let's just say, here's my phone. Let's just say this is square. And you took a piece of string and you ran it all the way around the pyramid.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: And then you stretch that piece of string out. It is exactly one 10000000th the distance around this equator of the earth. And then if you take the height, which is 481 feet, The great if you take a string and drop that from the missing capstone to the base of the pyramid, it is exactly one 10000000th of the distance from the North Pole to the center of the earth.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Now, furthermore, the great pyramid has some really, I mean, I can talk to you for hours on a great pyramid's [00:15:00] measurements, but let me give you a couple of them.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: When you said from from the center of the earth, do you mean to the core or do you mean from the North Pole to the equator?
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Core to the core.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Okay. It has all kinds of other information in for example, the, the frequency of
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: the earth is called what's it called? It's not, it's a harmonic, the Shumin frequency, and I think the frequency is 2.83 hertz. Well, what's interesting is if you look at every major site, ancient site in the earth, Machu Picchu and the Andes to Great Pyramid, Easter Island, and also going to Indonesia, not koala lump, I can't remember where that ancient it's the ancient Ang Wat [00:16:00] all of them are on this harmonic.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: So the ancients understood these harmonics that drive the earth. Let me, let me go back, if I may for a minute to the great pyramid itself. The great pyramid is 2,300,000 blocks. Some of the blocks in the great pyramid of the original casing stones are on the equivalent of. Glasses, opticians, glasses accurate to within a thousandth of an inch.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: The, the, there was a, when the alma moon and the Mormon, the, the Muslims ripped off the casing stones of the great pyramid in order to build the mosques and buildings. In Cairo, there was a, a remnant, it's called a Tali slope. It's all the pieces that broke down and covered up about 15 or [00:17:00] 20 remaining casing stones.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: These are 51 degrees, 51 seconds. Very important mathematically, but I don't have time to go into that. However, what is interesting is when you look at these blocks together, there is virtually no cracks. They are perfectly sealed, and the mortar is stronger. Then the stone, the limestone, the turro limestone, which was mined east of there itself.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: These are perfectly formed blocks. Now let me offer you another piece, which I sent you a video about 20 years ago. I was at a friend of mine's house. He was a f fa air traffic controller also, and he had just built a house outside of Washington, DC and his daughter was in a a geo polymer engineering school at Drexel [00:18:00] University five year program.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Dr. Michael Barum. Tommy said his name was Tommy Van, and his daughter's name was Kelly. He says, Tom, I know you're interested in the great pyramid, but I gotta tell you this Kelly Senior advisor of Dr. Michael Barum wants her to do her fifth year senior thesis. On the blocks in the great pyramid, not being carved, but being cast synthetic.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: I sent you an hour long presentation that he made to a Geopolymer conference, and he shows absolutely that you can't tell in the inner core, but many of the blocks were synthetic. Let's go higher in the pyramid, in the so-called kings chamber, and I've been in the Kings chamber. It has granite blocks and granite [00:19:00] lentils in the top.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: These are 50 to 70 tons. That means they're a hundred thousand to 140,000 pounds. They're 280 feet in here. How did they get there? They're cut extremely precisely. They are laser straight and I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll share something else with you in a minute, but it's not about the pyramid. They are laser cut straight, 280 feet up.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Conventional Egyptologists will argue, well, they had a ramp. The problem is no ramp has ever been found and the ramp would've to be three times the length of the great pyramid. The new argument is, well, they had an internal ramp. This was a guy named Robert Houdin, who was a an architect from France.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Now, there may be an internal ramp, but [00:20:00] 70 ton blocks in a, in a ramp with slaves pulling it. It just didn't happen. So how was this place built? There is a record. In a Temple of Ed Fu that's 500 miles south of the great pyramid. On the walls of this temple are two and a half acres of hieroglyphics. The hieroglyphics state.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: We had papyrus that was so ancient, it was flaking away. And rather than let this record be lost, we are inscribing on the walls of the temple of Edfu, a record of what happened. Now, they didn't call this island Atlantis, they called it the island of the primal, ones of the shining ones. And he said [00:21:00] there was a tremendous war between good and evil, and their islands sank and they fled to Egypt.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: And when they got to Egypt, By building these buildings, they tried to recreate their lost homeland unsuccessfully. So how did I get involved in the Great Pyramid? Well, let me tell you something else. Let me switch back. There's a, there's a pyramid called Sakara. It's about six or eight miles southwest of Giza, the Pyramid Field, for those who don't know where Giza is, it's right by Cairo and it's at the north end of Egypt.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: And Egypt slopes down where the Nile River runs. So right before it enters the Mediterranean C is Giza and it's a fan shape Delta. And the pyramid perfectly [00:22:00] circumscribes that fan shape Delta. And while I, I was saying about the Nile River, let me mention something on Nile River, most people don't have a clue.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: That denial River used to run across Africa and empty into the Atlantic Ocean. That is no longer the case. Certain researchers now feel based on evidence that that was geo engineered to change to, to flow due North. Why? Because there is a grand plan that all of Egypt was made on, and this grand plan had to do with the nature of humanity and of souls in the earth.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: There are in, in Egypt, logical law, in Egypt, logical [00:23:00] myths, so to speak. The two major player, the three major players actually in Egypt were oss. Isis, his kind of wife, like Adam and Eve and the brother of Osiris set who was extremely jealous of, of Osiris. So set in this cosmic play in this mythological play, he murdered his brother and cut his body into 15 pieces and spread them all around Egypt so they could never be found.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: But again, this is in Egypt logical myth. What happened is Isis, his concert wife's sister, went and found 14 of the 15 pieces. [00:24:00] She couldn't find his PHUs. The PHUs represents regeneration and rebirth. It is the male sign of impregnation. It's almost like the phoenix, the death and the regeneration. She couldn't find the fellas, so she fashioned a golden fellas, the most precious metal, and using Egyptian magic, she put him back together, kind of like Frankenstein, put the PHUs on him and impregnated herself and bore Horace.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: She still only found 14 pieces. Horas is the hawk headed God and all of Egyptian, the early Egyptian hieroglyphics [00:25:00] are spiritual representations of the process of moving back towards the divine. It is exactly the same process that the Jews brought out of Egypt under Moses, who some people argue was the only feral to ever abdicate the throne.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Ak AK was the world's first monotheist, and the process that was brought out is called Yo Kipur. For those of you who are familiar with Yom Kipur at a exoteric or a simplistic for the masses, meaning it means the day of atonement, it is the day when peop when the, the high priest would go into the whole, before the temple was destroyed, he [00:26:00] would go into the Holy of Holies and bring two goats.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: One would be sacrificed, one would be let go, one would have all the sins. They drive it away for three days and throw it off a cliff. In the, in the arc of the covenant, in the Holy of Holies, there's a mercy seat between two Cher that originally was used to talk to God. When the Jews lost the, in about 6 52 8 BC the arc of the covenant disappeared.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: If we have time, I'll share with you where I think it's coming back from, because all the indicators are, or great indicators are that it was buried on purpose by these guys. You ever hear of the Knights of the Temple, [00:27:00] the temples. The temple is built every one of the gothic cathedrals in Europe, and every one of those cathedrals are based on Egyptian esoteric mysteries, because all of Egypt is about returning to the light of the divine.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: What is this book about? This book is about cutting edge physics and consciousness, that the ultimate nature of reality is light, and that the light is instantaneous everywhere in the universe and connected. And my doctoral chair's best friend, he's still alive. He's written a hundred books. His name is Dr.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Irvin Laslow. He wrote a book, excuse me, in 2004. [00:28:00] Called Science and Ikas Field, an entity covered every development of quantum physics from 1905 when Neil's board developed it until 2004, and he, and what he covered was everything and what, here's what quantum physicists have found. All space, all time, all past, all present, all future, all domains, all levels.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Everything that you could ever conceive of is part of what is called the Akashic field. Scientists have proven that everything is connected to everything else instantaneously, and it's all light, including our bodies. That knowledge has been suppressed greatly. The last sentence in that book says the akok feel, which means the all is the mind of the divine.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: The Egyptian ancient Egyptians built every [00:29:00] single structure with the idea of the light and returning to the light because we are spiritual beings experiencing the earth. I'll give you a pretty good example. The original ancient Egyptian name for the Great Pyramid was not cfu. CFU didn't build the great pyramid, and there was no evidence except a three inch high statue of supposedly the Pharaoh CFU found close by to the pyramid that CFU built it along with a guy named Howard Vice, who dyna might his way into the chambers above the, above the, the, the king's chamber, so-called is not the king's chamber.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: And he argues that he found cartes that said cfu. The problem is he had lousy Egyptian and he did not allow to write [00:30:00] the hieroglyphics. The original name of the Great Pyramid, which was cased in perfectly white tur limestone was the light. Every building in Egypt was built to process enlightenment, to return people, which is the same term you gotta think, process philosophy.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Alfred North Whitehead, neither you or I or anyone watching, listening to this is a specific being, but a creative entity. And all we do is create. That's all we do. All the divine does is creates, all you do is create. Every cell in your body is constantly being recreated as part of the AKA field, which is part of a divine mind [00:31:00] plan, which has the ontology of light, but a teleology, telogy, a purposefulness of ever becoming more sophisticated, conscious, and aware.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Let's go back to, let's go back to to Yom Kipper. Most Jews are taught that Yom Kipper means the day of atonement. But if you break the word apart, it becomes a process. Atonement really is about, at one minute, it is the process of return. And if we look at the Old Testament, it is a, it is an attempt to move from selfishness, arrogance, and pride, which is the whole story of the Old Testament, no matter what the specifics are to [00:32:00] selflessness.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: As a psychologist, I can say all psychological problems. Excuse me, I gotta get a drink.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: All psychological problems relate to self-absorption. I don't care what you, if you look at the DSM five now, every issue
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: is about self depression, anxiety, reactions. I don't care what it is, they're all about self the way out of that. Is to fall in love with that which created us, and I argue all addictions are attempts to numb the pain of not being a kipper of moving back towards the divine because it is the only thing that exists, the akashi field is the [00:33:00] ancient Egyptians knew this.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: That's why the great pyramid was not built as a tomb nor any of the other pyramids. The great pyramid was built as a temple of initiation and the, the empty sarcophagus. And I, I was in the empty sarcophagus for 17 breaths. And I can tell you it is so loaded with energy that unless you are really in a perfect attunement, you can't stay in it.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: I lasted 17 breasts. It was like, It was like being bombarded with the most weird sensations ever. There is much more to that, and it's in this book. Okay, now let me go back to the, to the, the general vicinity of why Egypt was not the, the pyramids in [00:34:00] Egypt and the temple. Some of the temples were built later on, earlier sites, and again, there are seven bands of temples.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: There's two on each side of the Nile River. My daughter has a very good friend. He, his late friend, her late friend who, not Joseph Yoan. It was I'll think of his name in a minute. He wrote a great article on talking about the Nile River in all of the temples. Being chakras along the Kundalini, that's what the ancient, esoteric Egyptians knew and taught privately.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: So those 14 temples are missing the 15th piece, and that 15th piece is why I was brought in [00:35:00] for the The Desire by Dr. Zahi Wash and Dr. Mark Lerner, who have one as publicly stated. Dr. Mark Lerner wrote a book and is publicly stated, and I got the slide to prove it. He said, my entire goal of my life was to find the lost Atlantian Hall of Records.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Dr. Zawa brought me in because I had access to the LIDAR system and we were going to go into Egypt. Bringing the lidar system because what they're really interested is in finding the biggest change in history that'll ever be. And that is the Atlantan Hall of Records. So that's a quick overview. Are you guys still with me?
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Yes, sir. That's, that's interesting. So you, you had said the, the people of light now, if I remember [00:36:00] correctly, in the Old Testament when they talk about the serpent, the word for serpent was na kosh, which means kind of bronze colored skin, or, or, or like, like glisen, like light. I wonder if there's any sort of relation there between naka, that Hebrew word and what you're describing.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Well I wasn't going to cover this, but I'll go, I'll I'll, since you asked, I'll go into it. As you now see, as we now see. The people in power always want to control the narrative, and they will do that when you're asleep and all you are is self-absorbed. It's like what Stalin said. One death is a tragedy, a millions of statistic.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: And if you look at all the mass murderers, there is no concern at all or love for anyone. What we see in Star Wars, what we see in all the themes through history and [00:37:00] biblically, and I suggest to you the Old Testament is, was written on four levels. Historical, literal, allegorical. Symbolic. It's also written esoterically.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: It is. If it is taken only, literally
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: we limit ourselves. So let's go back to what's not in the Old Testament, but is mentioned in the Old Testament. And what that is, is, is the book of Enoch. And in the book of Enoch, which, and there's 2200 flavors of Christianity, and there are several flavors of Judaism. The 2200 exoteric flavors of Christianity have a common theme, and it's based on a need to feel [00:38:00] safe.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: So what they argue is only our flavor of Christianity is correct. They're all wrong for whatever theological reasons that there are with Judaism. What Judaism sought the same surety. And the law into maintaining the mosaic law to the nth degree. Now, what was the purpose of the law? It was Are you familiar with Tek?
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Okay. literally means the repair of the gulf, the rift between the divine and humanity, by maintaining the law. Now, what is that really about? It's about boundaries. It's about boundaries. So the ego, which is easy, got out, does not run amuck, and is, [00:39:00] and is bounded until consciousness can awaken enough that you are in, in touch with the divine enough that you recognize the way to live is through the pattern of selflessness.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Now, there is a reason why the Jewish prophets came in as Jews, because what Judaism was originally about was an offshoot. It could be argued of the Egyptian desire to be one with the divine. And what Judaism is all about is the love of God. But I have a friend of mine, he's not a close friend, he's an acquaintance.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: His name is Rabbi Germ. And Rabbi Germ is a Hasidic Jew. And he wrote to me one day and he said, Tom, 85% of all Jews [00:40:00] today are secular human as atheists. So they have forgotten what the Orthodox, which they think the Orthodox are nuts. But the Orthodox practice, that's the goal. And, and. The goal is sureity and se ex, it's, it's the preservation of the self for the future, but all spiritual growth.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: I don't think I brought the book with me. All spiritual growth is paradoxical. The more you give up of self and self-protection. You got a question? Did you want me to stop?
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: I was just gonna say that it's interesting what you had, what you had said is cuz the words of Jesus, you have no greater love than to give his life's brother.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: That's, and if you look the Old Testament is all about failure. It is the failure to live [00:41:00] a selfless life and do, and do. Kip the. Somebody believes in Jesus. And if you look at the history of Christianity, excuse me, it is a far different cry than what was taught after the 14 hundreds. And I'll give you an example.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Until the emperor just Indian than about four 50 or 5 35, I forget the year. His wife was Theodosia, she was a concubine, reincarnation. The idea of reincarnation is still the viable teaching of Hasidic esoteric Jews. For the, for the 85%, they don't believe in anything. But there's, there is a phenomenal series of, [00:42:00] of insights by rabbis that are esoteric rabbis to talk why reincarnation is not openly taught in Judaism.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Until 500 ad. And by the way, to the Christians in the audience that have been taught, that man is appointed but wants to live and wants to die, I can cite four even more compelling passages in the New Testament that say exactly opposite. For example, Matthew 11 and math. Could you share those? Yeah, sure.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Matthew 11 and Matthew 17, you can look. Jesus is having a discussion. The disciples are asking Jesus, who are you? Are you Elijah? Are who? Are you a prophet? Who are you? What's your nature? What's your anthology? And he said, I'll tell you, Elijah [00:43:00] has come again. And they knew him not, and they did to him what's they would.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: And then it says, the disciples understood. Did he speak it to them of John the Baptist? So let's look at Elijah's life, Elijah, and I'm trying to remember if it was Jezebel or if it was Delilah. Elijah was a, an aesthetic, and Elijah's the guy that had the contest between the priest of ba and this is about dancing about over the, about the, the fire.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: And he said, have your servants bring all of the wood, kill a bullet, a bull, a cow, and put it on there and have 'em dance around and see if he can bring the fire down. Nothing happened after like 12 hours. He then calls down Yahweh. And what Yahweh does is lights the fire. But in Elijah's [00:44:00] arrogance, what did he do?
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Do you remember? He beheaded all. He killed the ball, putting water on there. He killed 500. He beheaded 500 priests of ball. Oh yeah, the bail profits a bail. So what Jesus was referring to in 11 and 17 is that the karma, karma is not just memory. It's a Sanskrit word that means action, which you so you shall reap.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: He die kills by this sword, shall die by this sword, but it's not just memory, it's God's grace. So you can meet and overcome what you have done.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: That's what leukemia really is. Leukemia is the shedding of your own blood. Nonviolently from an esoteric perspective. So, Here's, here's two other ones, Paul, I think it's in Galatians [00:45:00] chapter four, verse nine. Paul says, I tra is a French word, meaning to work, to engage
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: I, I, I engage in my life. Here's what he said. I tra this isn't a King James version. I tra in birth again till ye be formed in Christ Jesus. Now, let's go to revelation. Revelation was given to Jesus, to by Jesus to the Apostle John, John the beloved. It isn't exactly described when he was banished to the island of Patson and he appeared to them and John says, I was in spirit deep meditation on the Lord's Day when Jesus revealed this to me.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: If you [00:46:00] read chapter three, verse 12, this is what Jesus tells John to he who overcomes the world, I will send out no more.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: So how did I get involved? How did I get invited in is because when I hypnotized a guy named Bob Pickett, this is in 1965, Bob Pickett. I mean, I knew nothing about hypnosis. He insisted I hypnotize him. I was raised Roman Catholic and I was the I, I mean, I was like 18, 19 years old. I was just a fool. I didn't know anything.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: But I wanted a college degree cuz I realized how stupid I was. How, how clueless I was because I, I grew up in the projects in Buffalo. So I said, all right, picket, I'll hypnotize you. And I hypnotize him. I age [00:47:00] regress him, and I was sewing a button on my fatigue blouse, and I had a long needle. And I, since I'm doubting Thomas, he's, I take him back to age four and I said, I wonder if he's BSing me.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: I wonder if he's awakened. He's just making his stuff up, because I'm asking him, what'd you get for your birthday? So he's laying on the co, he's laying on his bed next to me and I take that needle and I stabbed him in the hand. He didn't even butch. I said, holy cow. So I said, what'd you get for your fourth birthday?
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Third birthday, second birthday, first birthday? Can you remember being born? He tells me, this is a cognitive dissonance of the highest order I said, Can you remember in your mother's womb? He tells me about a conversation between his mother and his aunt about the coming baby. I said, can you remember anything before?
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Because I'm figuring he's gonna say, how's a fat chubby little angel? And God sent me down here. This is what he told me. How is a minor [00:48:00] functionary in the court of Louis the 16th, and he starts telling me of a lifetime in France. My head was exploding. I couldn't take it. I had to wake him up. As soon as he woke up he goes, I says, picket it.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Do you remember what you told me? He goes, Tom, you're my best friend. You stabbed me in a hand. When I was sleeping, that's all he cared about. He didn't want to hear, he wouldn't let me hypnotize him again. He would never let do anything. I got certified. I went back as part of my doctoral program and I was certified.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: By the American Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. It's only open to dentists, doctors, and PhDs. I didn't have my doctorate then. I was, I was working on my doctoral dissertation and here's what they told us. We do not know what hypnosis is, and I'll tell you what it is. In my opinion, it is letting go of the stranglehold that the rational consciousness has on us, [00:49:00] and it's letting the unconscious mind, which is the conscious mind of the soul speak.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: That's what hypnosis is really about. They then said to me, if somebody spontaneously regresses to a former life, pay them no mind. That's how powerful the strictures are. All right, let me tell you a little more, cause we only got three minutes left, right? I'll tell you, I'll tell you a little more.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: When I got transferred to Germany after Dugal threw us out of France, a guy gave me a book called, there Is a River, about Agro Casei. I didn't know anything about Agar. I didn't, I mean, I was a young kid. I was 19. I didn't know. I read that book three times in three days and I said, this is either, this is the greatest story I ever told, or it's o other BS over the years.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: I can say this about Casey. He is the only [00:50:00] psychics, whatever you want to call him, in all history, it was steno graphically recorded for 25 or 27 years. He could take his consciousness under altered state and project it anywhere in the world and go through your body in extreme detail with 98% accuracy.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: And prescribe how to get better. Did that for 45 years. There's a guy who's written a 1600 page book that I'll be glad to send you. It's a trilogy called Return of the Phoenix by Michael Mandeville. He was an absolute skeptic on Casey, and he said, I thought he was like everybody else. Another phony, and I'm not asking you to accept or reject anything on Casey, but I'll tell you this.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Dr. Zawa and Dr. [00:51:00] Mark Lerner's PhDs were paid for by Edgar Casey's oldest son. Casey said that the great pyramid was designed by this guy who was a prior incarnation of Christ, and that's the whole purpose of a 12,900 year plan that's coming to an end. With another change in consciousness. And it says in the Bible that Adam and Eve was the first man and woman, but we know they married other people.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: According to the Casey source, Casey never remembered anything. There were multiple levels Bec as we came into the earth cause we're pure spirit. It was pure spirit thought form, like a two year old thought form projecting in a materiality sent towards mentors, mermaids getting stuck [00:52:00] till God eventually created the adomic race.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: That's what the Bible was talking about. The Adomic race is rational mind and the whole process is over many lifetimes and, and it's a gift that we can't remember those lifetimes. Because what if you were Hitler? What if you were a murderer or a prostitute? The unconscious self hatred of the eagle would destroy us.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: So God gives us free will. And the goal is, is in Matthew 10 32. I think that's in the goal. The disciples we're saying to him, who are we? And he said, as I'm not saying, your scriptures referring to the 82nd Psalm that er God's children are the most on our goal. All we do is create. All God does is create.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: The goal is what is the spirit, the ideals in which you live. Because all evil in the earth [00:53:00] is caused by selfishness, pride, and arrogance. And that's what the fallen angels are about. They came into the earth and Lucifer most likely seduced. Steve impregnated her with Kane. And what did Kane do? Murdered Abel.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Those, they got an access so they could incarnate into the airplane and we are now reaching the culminating war. That'll be culminating with a polar shift and my hour is up.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Okay. That's a lot of amazing things that we didn't even get to really tackle as much as I wanted to. Man, the time went by so quick. I think I have to have again sometime soon.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: I have pictures, I have slides. I can talk to you about other areas, but that's, I think it's the greatest story, never told of who Christ really was.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: He was Adam [00:54:00] Je Joshua Joseph. Look at him with Joshua. He had 11 brothers and a father. He had a multicolored coat. What does that represent? It represents light defracted and not whole yet he got. He was gonna be murdered by his brothers. They threw him into a well. When names change. When consciousness change, names change in the Bible.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: And his brother, Judah, sold them for 20 pieces of silver. Within two years. He was number two guy in Egypt.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Okay? He interpreted dreams. He forgave his brothers and his father see the movement. At first, he was arrogant. They hated them. He eventually forgave them. Just look at J. Just look at Joshua. Joshua was arou allowed into the promised land. Moses [00:55:00] wasn't. Why Moses murdered a slave owner. You look at those lives of look at Mcil death.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: He is viewed by Christians as a precursor of Christ. That's cuz he was. If you read John chapter one, everything in that chapter is true. In the beginning was the word, and the word was God, and the word was with God. And, and by him all things were created. Nothing was not created except by him. He is the pattern, and yet he will never force that pattern on us.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: That's why he says, I stand at the door and knock, but I will never enter unbidden. It is us to use our free will to wake up. And I can, I'll end it with this. There is one quality that defines all happy people. You wanna take a shot at it? One word.[00:56:00]
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Gratitude. All happy people are grateful. All the rest are in greats. They're poor me, somebody done me wrong, and they're victims. They're asleep to their own. Yo kipper, they're not at one, so they seek to kill the pain of non being. They seek addictions and what is the gift of an addiction? Pain. That's how you know you're addicted.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: Pain. The people that live in peace are the ones that have fallen in love with God. Just look at the great Sufis. Look at Rumi aas. Hafi says, I'm a whole in the flute of God, through which Christ's breath blows. Listen to this music. Falling in love with God is the only way out psychologically. It's the only thing that brings peace.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: That's what Christ came to show us. Those buildings. All of the buildings in Egypt, all of the temples [00:57:00] initiates were taken to the lowest temples, and they were brought up and taught at every level until at the highest level, which was the temple of initiation, which is the great pyramid. None of them were built as tombs.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: They were built as temples of initiation. Hers is the Greek name for thunk for th Enoch. The the the Jewish prophet Enoch. Perhaps the greatest prophet next to Moses was known to the Jews. This was th th Eich Kmi. Same guy in the Herm Medica. Hermis brings his disciple. Aus and they're viewing ancient Egypt.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: And Asus says to 'em, look at the beauty, the perfection [00:58:00] that is Egypt. And by the way, the accuracy of the, of the jars, there's 40,000 jars. Do. There are, they are basalt. And and I can't think of the other things. There's 40,000. They're act, they're machine to 1000th of an inch. And I'll, I'll shut up after this.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: What, what, what Herme says to Aus is the Lius says, look at his beauty everywhere. And Herme says Tous, it'll all be destroyed. It'll all be gone. It'll all be forgotten by mankind. But someday they will awaken to the glory of the divine. Thanks for your time.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Well, thank you sir. And, and I think this is a perfect time to say that there is redemption at the foot of Jesus.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: And if, and if you've done things in your life that, that are taking you into a bad place, into [00:59:00] addiction, into self-hate, into all of these things that we've discussed, turn to the cross, turn to Jesus and you will find that forgiveness that you're
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: looking for. That's you're He's everything. He's the answer.
Dr. Tom Lawson, PhD.: He's the only answer. Thank you, sir. God bless you. Thank you so much. God bless you. Bye Now.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff: Just a reminder for everyone out there, the duty uniform of the day, the full armor of God. Let's all make courage more contagious than fear.
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