Pauline Hanson sued by Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi

1 year ago

As many of you learned last week, I'm being sued by Greens Senator, Mehreen Faruqi for hurting her feelings under Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act.

I'll keep saying this until I'm dead and buried - Criticism is not racism.
18C is a subjective piece of legislation that is based on 'feelings'.
You be the judge after watching this interview I did with Cory Bernardi on Sunday night.

Any support you can offer to help run this case would be appreciated. At the end of the day, every single one of us is at risk of this law.
We must win to ensure better protection for all Australians.

Donate here:

Thank you to everyone who continues to offer me support, both financially and morally through this horrible time.

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