Obey God, Deft Tyrants, Part 18: How The Church Will Win.

1 year ago

For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.

Jesus Christ, in John 18:37.

Francis Schaeffer

Make no mistake. We as Bible-believing Christians are locked in s battle. This is not a friendly gentleman’s discussion. It is a life and death conflict between the spiritual hosts of wickedness and those who claim the name of Christ. It is a conflict between two fundamentally opposed views of truth and reality.

The late Francis Schaeffer, who wrote these words of warning in 1984, has proven to be prophetic. Today, the battle over Truth has intensified. But it is a battle we can win; indeed, it is a battle we will win!

We hope you can be with us this weekend as Pastor Ray begins a new teaching series on the subject, “How The Church Will Win”.


Join us for a new message each week with Ray McCollum, recorded live from Celebration Church in Nashville, USA.

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