Choose Your Own Adventure - Jack Of Diamonds

1 year ago

Choose Your Own Adventure - Jack Of Diamonds

What experience are you choosing to have and are you choosing for yourself or out of some obligation to others?

Are you choosing your own adventure or deferring to another’s dream?

You get to decide for yourself, in your life, business, health, and everything in between what’s right for you.

You are not obligated to live by anyone else’s choices.

Creating that commitment to yourself first then make the commitment to others easier when it’s the right time.

Today you are invited to see the value in your relationship with yourself, your intuition, and your higher guidance.

Today you are invited to be radically honest about where you defer to others.

Today you are invited to choose and create your own adventure based on your intuition instead of the obligation your ego wants to hang onto.

This extraordinary life experience you get to live is all about choosing your own incredible adventure.

An adventure not defined by societal, parental, or ancestral programming, but rather by your true powerful and sovereign self.

What adventure will you choose?


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