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The WHO Wants To Run Global Pandemic Policies & Declare Climate Change Lockdowns -Dr. Meryl Nass

1 year ago

(Brussels) Under the direction of the WHO's Pandemic Treaty and proposed changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR), the WHO would be given chilling, centralized powers superceding those of its 194 member states' sovereign govts.

Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, explains that under "One Health," animals and the environment would be given equal status with humans, the general director would be able to declare pandemics at the mere threat of a public health emergency of international concern and lock down the world for declared climate change emergencies.

All of these powers, which would serve to diminish individual human rights and medical autonomy, would be at the whim of the unelected WHO...unless member countries say no and/or #ExitTheWHO.

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  • 0/2000
  • Exit the WHO, will not comply

  • PS…from Canada…where the walls are closing in at the speed of light

  • The WHO can go f' itself.

  • The John Birch Society was correct about the United Nations 60 years ago. Time to quash the United Nations and kick it out of NYC.

  • So now what?! We are just people in our homes making minimum wage with all this info at our fingertips and nothing to do with it. Our LOCAL govt are selling us out just the same as the rest. They have literally closed us out of town halls by conducting their law-changing over ZOOM! What exactly are we supposed to do beyond being aware??

  • The world is being run by maniacs

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