Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri in 2010 on Weather Modification.

1 year ago

Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri in 2010 on Weather Modification.

The late Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri was an environmental writer, educator and the author of the highly acclaimed book “The Uterine Crisis”, the result of 15 years of independent research linking women’s reproductive illnesses with invisible environmental toxins. For decades, Dr. Perlingieri wrote about the links between chronic exposure to environmental toxins and dramatic increases in illness. Her cross-disciplinary lecture at the Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails conference in 2012 was streamed live to over 30 countries.

In addition to her graduate academic degrees, she also had formal herbal training and studies in the US, London, and Italy. With a background in both science and art (and a deep love of music) Dr. Perlingieri took a cross-disciplinary approach to all her research.

Sadly, Dr. Perlingieri passed away in October 2013.

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