Mysterious Caves Uncover Shocking Hominoid Skeletons and Strange Ancient Artifacts

1 year ago

The Dropa Stones. High on the Bayan Cara Ula Mountains, which run through China and Tibet, is a very remarkable labyrinth of caves that are mysteriously interconnected, built either by man or nature. Within these caves are the buried bodies of the most unusual hominoid species ever seen by man. The team of archaeologists who accidentally discovered the caverns in 1938 initially thought that they were ape bodies. However, apes do not bury their dead. If not animals, what or who did these strange looking skeletons belong to? Yes, they were neither human nor animal, or at least not totally human. The skeletons had little and very thin limbs and legs, almost spindly, but huge heads in comparison to their short, weak frames. Chi Pu Te, a Chinese archaeologist, and his team were inspecting the skeletons when they uncovered something even odder. A circular disk lay half buried in the cave floor.

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