On the border of the USA and Canada, between lakes Erie and Ontario 2...

1 year ago

On the border of the USA and Canada, between lakes Erie and Ontario, in the place where the Niagara River smoothly approaches the threshold, there is a massive Niagara Falls, overthrowing huge streams of water from the height of a 20-story building. Niagara Falls consists of three waterfalls, united for simplicity by a common name: “Canadian” (aka “Horseshoe”), “American” and “Bridal Veil” waterfall.
⠀It is better to admire this miracle of nature from the Canadian side, where you can almost come close to the Horseshoe, the crest of which stretches for 670 meters, and the water falls into the abyss from a 57-meter ledge. ⠀ A few hundred meters below, the Rainbow Bridge spans Niagara, designed for vehicular and pedestrian traffic between the two countries. Over the bridge, stunning views of the rainbow open: it appears in clear weather, when the sun's rays, intersecting with spray, are refracted.

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