Nemegetu is a basin surrounded by three mountains

1 year ago

Nemegetu is a basin surrounded by three mountains: in the north - Nemegt uul and Altan uul, in the south - Tost uul. But more this area is known as the "Valley of the Dinosaurs".

It is assumed that on the border of the Cretaceous and Tertiary period in the evolution of the Earth there was a global catastrophe that caused the death of everything on earth. Just here, in the "dead layer" of the Gobi desert, burials of Mesoic dinosaurs were discovered.

In 1946, the paleontological expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences led by Professor I.A. Efremova discovered here the richest locality of these ancient giant animals, which is not inferior in scale to the famous African locality Tendaguru.

In addition, there is a stunning spectacle of a lifeless "lunar" landscape with sheer cliffs and caked earth.

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