The Donald Unleashed | Tim Pool: unleash the MAGAking.

1 year ago

Schedule F: FIRE EVERYONE | Tim Pool discusses why he'd vote Trump in 2024 on the PBD podcast with Patrick Bet-David.

"You know, So what do I like about Trump? The reason I'd vote for him, Not because I think he's the greatest leader we've ever had.
I think his foreign policy has been absolutely fantastic, considering presidents we've had in the past.
Obama like blown up kids like Abdul Rahman Awlaki, 16 year old American citizen we murdered.
Anyway, Donald Trump's going to fire everybody.
He wants revenge.
And I think if the one thing I can get out of the next presidency is the purging of the of the bureaucratic class, this country will be better off for it.
I don't know if Rhonda Santis would do that.
I think he's a negotiator.
I think he's going to go in and say how can we make this clean?And and it's gonna be like Trump's first term all over again.
They're gonna attack him, they're gonna smear him, they're gonna lie, they're gonna get their key positioned people to to sludge everything up.
I think at this point with Donald Trump he's he's unleashed, he's so angry, he's been slighted, he's been lied about, they've impeached him, they're trying to criminally prosecute, they're they're prosecuting him in in New York.
They're trying to get him in DC, they're trying to get him in Georgia.
Now they're accusing him of a 30 year old rape case.
I mean these people are relentless and almost every single time these stories trying to be fake or even worse, it's them.
I mean, the Alpha Bank Russia stuff was a lie.
Trump being a Soviet asset.
Jonathan Chait, congratulations.
That was the most ridiculous thing I've heard on cable TV.
All of it a lie.
Ukraine gate.
Joe Biden saying if you don't fire the prosecutor not getting a billion dollars, which he admitted to at a CFR meeting.
Everything they say about Trump turns out to be a misconstrued.
I think Trump gets elected.
He walks in and says I don't care how, I don't care why.
We are going to terminate these people.
We're going to send them out with nice little boxes full of their belongings and we're going to, we're going to figure how to do it.
He wants Schedule F That's the number one thing this country needs right now.
I don't think DeSantis does it." -Tim Pool

You're fired.

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