Heaven Land Devotions - The Artesian Waters Of Prayer

1 year ago

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**The Believers War Room - Dr. Charles Stanley: https://youtu.be/juCDFnel90E

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From my earliest childhood my mother prayed with me. Then taught me how to pray. I listened as she prayed and learned how to talk to God. She taught me to know Him and realize that He is a real Person.

It was prayer that I learned first before I could read, and Jesus became my very life. The breath of life given to me has returned back to Him through numerous decades of prayer. I am always looking heavenwards.

It was said of Samuel Rutherford the Puritan that whenever he was seen walking through town he was always looking up. He was a powerful, loving, humble praying man.

It was said about Jesus that "He arose a great while before day and went out into a solitary place and there prayed." Mark 1:35.

We know that His life was a full life of prayer from start to finish. Many battles of the centuries past were fought and won through prayer. Lives were forever changed by prayer.

Prayers prayed from the heart to God become eternal in the heavens. The greatest thing you will ever do in this life is pray to God in secret. And really to pray without ceasing as Jesus taught us.

That is where you will truly meet the Lord, and will always have His ear and heart. He will answer you in His style and way. He will make an artesian spring of water open up within your soul as you go on praying. Making your prayers sweet and full of life as an offerings to Him.

"God's command to "pray without ceasing" is founded on the necessity we have of His grace to preserve the life of God in the soul, which can no more subsist one moment without it, than the body can without air." ~ John Wesley

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