Construction Work on Garage Building Step by Step Process | These Workers are Amazing!

1 year ago

The house garage is now ready for rafters. The construction workers are having a big challenge of placing the heavy i-beam metal bar on top of the corbel. The strength and ingenuity of these guys are unbelievable. Meanwhile, the Lanai is ready for the concrete flooring...

General Construction Term

garage - a building for housing a motor vehicle or vehicles.

lintel beam - a beam that is usually placed above windows and doors. The lintel's main job is to support the load from the structure above it.

corbel - bracket or weight-carrying member, built deeply into the wall so that the pressure on its embedded portion counteracts any tendency to overturn or fall outward.

Project Watch:
This series features our Monteritz residential project in Monteritz Subdivision located in Ma-a, Davao City. Video uploads shows the progress with regards to this project until its completion.

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cellphone: 09777049245
donate: GCASH - 09777049245 (Triserlito Mahinay)

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- building planning
- structural design
- construction management
- home improvement and renovation

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Time Stamp:
Intro - 0:00
Lanai Ground - 1:20
Garage Roofing - 3:01
House Division - 8:30

Music Credit

About this no copyright and free to use music:
Title: Lifelong
Genre: Hip-Hop & Rap
Mood: Inspirational
Artist: Anno Domini Beats

License: Free Download | No Copyright | Workout Music (Boxing)
Music without copyright - Attribution not required. You're free to use this music in background and can monetize your video.

Thank You


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