1 year ago

Hi, everyone! We are sure you all remember the famous attack scenes of a mysterious killer with a knife in a Halloween costume known as Ghostface in the «Scream» movie? Oh, it was an incredibly interesting and fascinating movie that made us shiver! But the unexpected happened! Ghostface is back, but...without a knife! Hahaha! Unlucky criminal! Well, we decided to help the poor guy and make him a new unusual knife made of cardboard! He hardly dreamed of this!

Well, to make such a cool knife, we will need a lot of cardboard! First of all, we cut out the approximate shape of the knife that we want to get. These are several rectangular pieces of cardboard. Then we mix water with glue and wet each sheet of cardboard in it. Press the cardboard sheets with a hammer and place them in the oven! You won't believe it, but when you take the cardboard mass out of the oven, it will be very, very hard! We cut out a knife from the cardboard parts and sharpen it. Wow, it's super sharp now! We just need to make a plastic handle and the knife is ready!

By the way, have you noticed how poor Ghostface helped us craft a new knife! We hope that he enjoyed it and he will finally be done with the crimes!

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