China Censors Videos of Poverty, Raises Questions of Inequality

1 year ago

News Bulletin | "China Censors Videos of Poverty, Raises Questions of Inequality" | #shorts #news

China is taking steps to limit the exposure of poverty within its borders by censoring videos that depict poverty in the nation. According to the New York Times, when searching the term "pinkun" (the Chinese word for poverty) on China's largest news portal, the only results that appear are those related to the fact that poverty is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. In particular, a video of a retiree demonstrating what she was able to purchase with 100 yuan (roughly ₹1,182) went viral in China before it was swiftly removed from the web.

From an American perspective, it is difficult to understand why the Chinese government is taking such measures to repress the truth about poverty in the nation. It is important to recognize the privileged position of the United States in comparison. Although the US is far from perfect, the country has made tremendous progress in addressing poverty through its social safety net, healthcare access, and other public assistance programs. On the other hand, China still has a long way to go in order to provide its citizens with the same level of resources and protection.

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1. Social safety net in the US,
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8. Public assistance programs in the US,
9. Poverty in the US,
10. Pinkun in China

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