May 7, 2023. "America has accepted a molten image of Baal"

1 year ago

May 7, 2023. "America has accepted a molten image of Baal"

The bull idol has been installed and the Church is silent. Baal as the bull is paraded through Birmingham England promoted by King Charles with the tower of Babel as a backdrop and Preachers haven't even noticed. Baal has entered the swept-out house of America and brought seven more demons more evil than himself, and the Church scratches her head and wonders what has happened to America. Baal is so brazen now because of his acceptance that he has set up an idol permanently in New York City. Come see for yourself the same bull that caused Israel to fall more than once is now accepted in America.

#Baal #Bull Idol Accepted in America #Idol of Baal in America #Other gods #Demon possession

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