Armin Navabi: The "Radical Atheist" Exposed!

1 year ago

Armin Navbi's views on incest
"There is nothing wrong with incest if it can be guaranteed that it doesn't result in procreation. This means that homosexual incest among consenting adults is okay and attempts to separate two sisters or two brothers who are attracted to each other are unethical."
A paper by Dr. Randy Hardman and Dr. David Gardner in a 1986 issue of the Journal of
Sex Education and Therapy compared anorexia nervosa and sexual anorexia.
They highlighted the four most significant characteristic similarities of these
self-perpetuating disorders from both an intrapsychic and interpersonal level.
These were (i) control (i.e., overt personal control and covert relationship power), (ii) fear
(i.e., fear of losing control and fear of personal sexuality), (iii) anger
(i.e., passive and active expressions of anger based on devaluation),
and (iv) justification (i.e., an elaborate system of denial, delusion, and misperception).
As University of Miami psychologists Debra Lieberman and Adam Smith pointed out in
a recent article in the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science,
humans have social and psychological mechanisms to deter incest.
With very few exceptions, marriages between brothers and sisters and between parents
and their children are verboten in every human culture.
The primary psychological anti-incest mechanism is the yuck response.
Even the idea of sex with mom or dad or bro or sis is upsetting to most people.
The psychologist Jonathan Haidt has found that nearly everyone is repelled
by the prospect of brother-sister sex, even in hypothetical situations in which
there is no chance of pregnancy (here).

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