Cirque Rouages - A high wire outdoor circus act

1 year ago

One cold Friday I set off to Poole Quay to watch Cirque Rouages perform as part of the Inside Out fextival.

When I got home my dear old mum asked where I'd been and I showed her what I'd filmed. She was not impressed that I hadn't taken her,
but I'd not no idea what the show was going to be like.

So on the Saturday, we headed back to the Quay. I found a good stop for her in the disabled section,I set my tripod up to one side and was quickly thrown out. i explained I was with the lady in the wheelchair, the attenant got me a chair and said I could sit next to her. Meaning I had a much better place to film from. The official camerman did not look to happy.

If you notice the odd sync problem, it's because one performance was on Friday and the other Saturday.

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