1 year ago

Hello everyone! No, this is not a video about magic, as you might think our friends! Although ... there is something magical here! Today we will once again prove to you that you can craft incredible inventions without using witchcraft, enchantments, and magic. After all, it is not always possible to turn a piece of wood into a new invention with one wave of a magic wand, as our bearded hero thought!

So today we are going to make a cool miniature crossbow with sharp steel tips. And as you already understood, for this we need a wooden beam, wooden sticks, glue, several metal parts, a self-tapping screw, rope, oil, and some tools. In our video you will see a step-by-step tutorial of this cool craft. We will show you in detail all the materials that we used and the procedure for the production of this craft. Don't be afraid if the process seems difficult to you. Because in the end you will get your own little crossbow that you can show off to your friends. This wooden craft with sharp tips will hit any target! We have already tested it not only on balloons but also on soda cans. And they almost pierced them through! Now it's your turn!

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