The Deafening Silencing of Dr Julie Ponesse

1 year ago

Only if we expose what’s going on and break down all of the infrastructure under these institutions that are so corrupt, will we have a chance of being able to build them back up again.” ~ Dr Julie Ponesse

Ethics and philosophy Professor, Julie Ponesse, was fired from her university position in 2021 for not complying with the institution’s vaccine mandate. Dr Ponesse explains the vilification and exclusion she experienced - from the very academics who were influential in her choice of academic philosophy as a career path, as well as the Canadian media - for asking ethics questions about the mandate that led to her termination.

Uncensored ethical and philosophical debate is no longer welcome at the very institutions that claim to teach young minds critical thought.

“If we don’t have freedom over our body, we have no freedom at all” ~ Dr Julie Ponesse

Deafening Silencing is a series documenting the widespread and indiscreet use of direct censorship, de-platforming, smearing, coercing and other attempts to silence individuals questioning the official narrative on the pandemic event and the associated public health measures. The crude censorship methods employed by the mainstream press and large tech corporations enable and support the equally crude propaganda our societies are flooded with.

Watch interviews with more silenced voices at
Interviewed by Heike Brunner

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