Adirondack High Peaks Wilderness Backpacking Adventure! Part 1 of 2

3 years ago

Come along with me for an adventure in the High Peaks of the Adirondacks with David Gray, Justin from It’s Good in the Woods, Jeremy from All Things Outdoors, and Jeff from The World According to Goat.

My adventure began with a solo overnight in Allegheny National Forest at Willow Bay Campground to break up the long 12 hour drive. On Day two we made our way to Lake Placid were we all met up and the fun began.

On our second day in the high peaks we were separated from each other and I ended up proceeding alone on my quest to summit Mt. Marcy. The solo part of this trip will mostly take place in part two…coming soon! Stay tuned to see if I was able to summit 7 peaks over 4,000 ft. Wolf Jaw, Armstrong, Gothics, Saddleback, Basin, Haystack, and Mt. Marcy.

Be sure to check out the trip videos from the other four fellows that accompanied me on this epic trip in the High peaks.

David Gray

It’s Good in the Woods

All Things Outdoors

The World According to Goat

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