How Biden Is Failing Haiti | Amy Wilentz | TMR

1 year ago

Professor of literary journalism at the University of California Irvine and contributing editor at The Nation magazine, Amy Wilentz, joins the program to discuss how the Biden Administration is failing Haiti. Haiti continues to suffer from a crisis characterized by gang violence and kidnappings for ransom, which mainly targets the professional class of Haitians who could lead the country out of the crisis. Many of them have either left the country or have been killed, and there is a violent brain drain, leaving fewer and fewer people to help pull the country out of the crisis. The gangs are developed and financed by various politicians and members of Haiti’s "business mafia" to destabilize the country and allow wealthy and corrupt businessmen to take control of profit centers. Meanwhile, President Biden has instituted a new "parole process" for Haitians who may request authorization to come to the United States for humanitarian reasons, but they must have a valid passport, which is difficult to obtain due to the country's inefficiency. Finally, Ariel Henry, Haiti's de facto prime minister, has presided over the country since the assassination of President Jovenel Moise, continuing his predecessor's dismantling of all branches of the Haitian government, making it a country with no legislature, no mayors, and the highest court in a state of continual upheaval.

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Joining us now Amy Wilentz. She is a professor of literary journalism at the University of California Irvine and contributing editor at the Nation magazine. Amy thanks so much for joining us. you have peace out of Haiti April 2023 soon there'll be no one left to kidnap. this latest iteration of tragedy in Haiti and really obviously the relationship between this country and Haiti and Haiti and colonialism and slavery had Haiti paying off France. People are just important to remind people, you know, I think it was in the past, like decades or certainly decades, where a huge portion of Haiti's GDP was dedicated to paying off France essentially for their loss of slave Labor there over a century ago. But the latest round was precipitated by what? yeah but whoa we really went from Deep History to this. but yes you're absolutely right. It is all part of the spectrum of abuse that's been heaped on Haiti that has led us to this situation now. But the most recent situation and it's been going on really since the earthquake of 2010. Which was so devastating and maybe as many as 250,000 people were killed in that earthquake that struck right at the heart of the capital city. Which as you can imagine is overpopulated. And then so then there was a lot of relief and restoration done by the outside community. And what is called The Core Group. Which is a bunch of entities like the UN and the OAS and countries like France, the US, and Canada. There was a bunch of help brought by them. The Clintons were there doing better. their version of it. Biden then is doing the same here in America. And The Gangs which have always been vaguely on the scene in Haiti, various little gangs protecting various politicians and various business interests, grew bigger and bigger at this time. Because there was really no rule, president preval, who was president at the time of the earthquake, was not a very vigorous law enforcer. and After him, when Michelle Martelly came to power, he was a singer. and has no political experience. And is not a very Savory human being. He was brought in because it was popular with the Clintons that she was Secretary of State, Hillary. And she supported him. And then they went on to continue giving American Support to his followers who all participated in this kind of Gangland business.

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