Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (2011) - #2 Hunter Killer [Hijack Sub and Destroy Fleet]

1 year ago


""Assault the Russian submarine."
— Level description

"Hunter Killer" is the third campaign mission of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The player takes on the role of Sgt. Derek "Frost" Westbrook, as he and his squad infiltrate a Russian Oscar II-class SSGN and launch the boat's cruise missiles against their own fleet to cripple it. Later, the player and other team members make their escape from the submarine on Zodiac watercraft as the launched missiles begin to bombard the Russian ships in the area, before escaping in a CH-46 Sea Knight.

The level begins with Frost and Sandman together with the rest of Metal Team swimming through the submerged Brooklyn Battery Tunnel and into New York Harbor using Diver Propulsion Vehicles (DPV).

There they rendezvous with "SDV Team 4", a team of SEALs, and continue toward their objective. The depths of the harbor are filled with mines and Frost is instructed to navigate around them using a mine imaging sonar device on the his DPV.

After successfully passing through the minefield, the team then plants explosive charges on the enemy submarine. The charges detonate and the submarine is forced to surface, allowing the team to board. Frost and Sandman enter through the sub's access hatch and fight their way through the submarine and up to the bridge. The two of them breach the bridge, killing all the sailors within and their commanding officer (possibly the captain). From the bridge, Frost and Sandman are able to launch the Russian's missiles against their own fleet.

Frost and Sandman then board a Zodiac watercraft that the SEALs have put in place, and make their escape as the battle for New York Harbor rages around them. They are then extracted by a CH-46 Sea Knight and are flown away from Manhattan."

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