Immigrants Speak Weak 17: Psychological Impact of Mass Indoctrination Through the Media

1 year ago

While I am traveling in Scotland, I am reminded of that wonderful movie "Braveheart" where the hero yells out "Freedom!" instead of begging for mercy. As someone who grew up under Mao's China, without freedom even as a concept, I cherish the freedoms that I enjoy today, not only physical freedom to travel and see the world, but more importantly, the freedom to think for myself and speak my own mind. Sadly I start to see that spirit and culture slipping away from many people in the West due to the repeated false narratives promoted by the mainstream media. Today we talk about the long-lasting psychological impact that the media has on indoctrinating its audiences, and its purpose. #themedia #propaganda #psychologicaldamage #behavioralhealth

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