Learn how to become a better Straight/Hook ball bowler #124 with the Brooklyn Crusher 5-6-23

1 year ago

Bowled 50 straight games (500 frames) took about 6 hours. had 194 avg bowling in NO-TAP mode. my last 50th game was my BEST game I got a dam 300 = I had 5 NO-Tap strikes & 7 real strikes. really I sucked pretty bad it should NOT take 6 hours for 50 games! when I got to the 41st game they were all over 200 games to the 50th 300 game I bowled. I was really loose by that time. the more games I bowl the more relaxed/lose I get.
I have developed a bowling routine that HELPs me with spot to spot eye hand. this is what I have trouble with the most when bowling on league. the routine is lay the ball down on the last board to the left, release the FUNball with NO revs & NO side roll but straight to the 3 strike zones per the 39 boards. I bowl 1 game per board for 39 games trying to strike on the regular side of the pins then when I do it I try to hit the BROOKLYN side but the 3rd straight line strike zone is a Super Mario right down the pipe strike I never try that line because of the split zone of that straight line strike but do get it once in a while. I show there at least 3 straight line strike zones per board of ALL 39 lane boards. the #1 regular strike, #2 BROOKLYN side strike & #3 the dreaded Super Mario Bros right down the pipe strike.
This routine is really HELPing me out I believe because I bowled really bad most of the 50 games & on the 50th game I just kept doing the routine & got the highest game in bowling a 300 YEAH! it was a NO-tap 300 YES it was but at first I was NO where's near a 300 & most the other game PROVED it, I SUCKED BAD!!!! like I said the routine that helped me bowl that 300 is go board by board 1 game each board but that's NOT it. I switch after I get the regular strike on the normal side of the pins to a BROOKLYN strike then back & forth the whole 39 board by board games this REALLY helps me to put or lay down point to pins hand eye!! I said throughout all the games what board I was laying the ball down on & what strike I was trying to get. that was the FIRST time I ever came right out of the gate (the first bowling day of summer bowling) & got a 300 & on my LAST 50th game I was going to bowl that day TOO! WOW! heheheheheHA! I forgot that I bowled that 50th game of 300 in glow ball too! they start Glow Ball at 10 PM it was after about 6 games I already bowled in Glow Ball. it was after 10:30 PM that I bowled the 300 under Glow Ball lighting/conditions was done bowling the 50 games at 10:48 PM. I guess NOTHING was going to stop me from bowling a 300 game. I even bowled on the wrong lane & got a 9pin NO-Tap so really I bowled 13 strikes. WOW! I want to see me do that again. so SO LUCKY! I DON'T think I will EVER be as LUCKY as Jason Belmonte though!

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