MR. NON-PC - Old, Creepy & Evil Boomers...Sticking Everyone With Trillions In Debt

1 year ago

Probably the biggest issue facing the fallen United States of America is the National Debt, and how it continues to spiral completely out of control each and every day.

And I heard something just last week, about how in interest alone how the Satanic U.S Government uses 17.5% of each years tax revenue just to pay the interest on the debt each year.

And the worst part is how you have these creepy, old and evil boomers like Diane Feinstein, Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer who have been in the Government for decades upon decades.

Funny too how they grew up in an age of complete prosperity, with no war and not to mention no debt!

How can they go to sleep at night and sleep with an easy conscious???

The biggest problem with this country is fiscal irresponsibility, and what is gonna be done to rectify it? Oh.....that's right....they're gonna try to usher in their CBDC or a form of digital currency!

The way out of this is pretty easy actually....don't let yourself fall into debt!

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