Ukraine Truth: Chapter 4:2 - Biden Ukraine Collusion Part 2: Zelenskyy Call, Trump Impeachment

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1 year ago

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This is Part 4:2 of in a Ukraine History/Truth Series!

Ukraine Truth: Chapter 4:1 - Biden Ukraine Collusion Part 1: Trump's Election, Steele Dossier

I decided to put these videos together to tell a truthful account of what is really going on, not the news media lies! The news media lies are now splitting up and breaking apart families, because certain members of the family believe them and trust them still after blatantly lying and even getting caught lying!

I love how my liberal family member has a problem with prophets and ministers I like that have gave me comfort during this time but they will keep watching the main stream news media and being brainwashed. Who do you trust?

Well my fiancee is Ukrainian as you will find out at the beginning of all these videos and we have faced many obstacles to be together from covid to shutdowns, to vaccine mandates, to a fraudulent election of Joe Biden (which my stupid family member doesn't want to accept! Joe Biden won legitimately? Give me a freaking break. I can post videos about that too and probably will but not the point of this series)

I no longer get financial help from this family member so I made these videos to raise money for us, but also to expose what the Hell is really going on in Ukraine! If you are on Rumble and read this much, I trust you know, they are blatantly lying to us. I don't expect these videos to be looked at as the authoritative truth either but I do expect you to pray about this and keep an open mind! I've been studying Ukraine history, culture and politics and language for the last 3 years ever since I met my fiancee and I wanted to know what the Hell was going on myself! There are good people and citizens of Ukraine but I knew something didn't seem right when the current president of Ukraine Zelenskyy is praised on regular main stream news media as some kind of hero, the same guy Trump got impeached over from making a simple phone call looking into the corruption of Joe Biden and the corruption of his son Hunter Biden and Burisma. There was no new war in Ukraine under Trump. Why is it a lot of the crap with their revolution in 2014, the separation of Crimea from Ukraine, and the War in Donbass all started under Obama and Biden as his vice president and his son Hunter got the job with the Ukraine energy company Burisma at the time and the war and Ukraine starts up again under Obama's third term with a lot of the same people under Obama now under Biden? And the news media makes Joe Biden out to be some kind of hero and compare him to Winston Churchill? Really that traitor Biden family?

A lot of the stuff found in these videos are in other videos and movies and I give credit at the end. But I took the time to put these together in an order mostly chronological but also sometimes of importance and relevance to tell the true story. The actual videos were not edited in any way. I may leave a comment at times and they are are in chronological order and order of importance only, so they are spliced up. The actual videos are mentioned at the end, and you can watch them yourself and see I didn't actually edit the videos and movies in any way.

I hope you wake up and see what is going on like I have. I have known about this for awhile now and my two liberal family members wanted to know then got mad at me when I answered them. There is no way to talk about what is really going on in Ukraine without bringing up the Deep State and Joe Biden's, Barack Obama's, Hillary Clinton's, Victoria Nuland's and former ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt's involvement among others. I wish my two family members understood that. Why get mad at me? I'm not going to lie and repeat the news media talking points! But these two family members made it get way out of hand after I'm already going through enough! With my fiancee still in Europe and all of these obstacles we have faced. I prayed to God if God wanted me to really do this! He did. But I know I put other things at risk. Like some in the government may not like this exposed this way! Well according to certain prophets these deep state actors are going down soon anyway! Pray for my safety and please pray for us and help us if you can. It should be obvious why I'm not mentioning her name or showing her picture because she isn't in the USA yet! Her safety is still at risk. If you'd like to get updates, pray for us and help us financially, please go to:
Chapter 4 is an important chapter it is after Ukraine got taken over by the Deep State and they have been ever since since the Euromaiden, Revolution of Dignity or Coup d'état.

How all of the USA government officials were over there and led it to get the regime change they wanted and their installed puppet master Presdient Petro Porshenko. He then later worked with Biden and helped Hunter Biden get his deal with the Ukraine energy company Burisma under investigation.

They also ran a "Steele Dossier" through Ukraine to hurt Donald Trump running against Hillary Clinton and a fake "Trump Russian Collusion Hoax" when it was a "Biden Ukraine Collusion" the whole time. That didn't work because as we know Trump did win in 2016 and they still kept going after him.

When Trump discovered this collusion was going on and he talked to Ukraine's new president Voldomyr Zelenskyy about it on the phone. So now they attempted "Trump Impeachment Hoax" number one about this!
This particular video is a great recap and summary explained really well, then the impeachment hearings of Donald Trump and then the exoneration. And how Trump won this among many attacks against him!

This video shows how after they got their pupper president after the Euromaiden/Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, he and the Ukrainian government worked with Joe Biden to help Hunter Biden get a job on the board of Burisma, and there they set up the " Steel Dossier" and the fake "Russian Trump Collusion" to cover it up and try to shut down Trump and hide thier crimes.

Then Trump was elected president in 2016 and they still kept going after him! And still kept accusing him of "Trump Russian Collusion".
When Trump discovered this Ukraine Biden collusion, the real collusion was going on and he talked to Ukraine's new president Voldomyr Zelenskyy about it on the phone. Stupid retired military vet Alexander Vindman heard the call and reported it to main stream liberal news. So now he becomes famous and they subpoena him to Trump's Impeachment hearing. So now they attempted "Trump Impeachment Hoax" number one over this! A new way to go after Trump!

Why is all of this important? I personally believe all of these events got the Ukraine Proxy War today (2023), that started last year 2022! After all Joe Biden is back through voter fraud!

Trump was never supposed to win according to the Deep State and find this out and how they really run things! Through George Soros NGOs and Colour Revolutions! They get regime changes and "leaders" like Joe Biden get money and bribes and sweet deals too! As long as they do the Deep State bidding! And who cares who dies and how many lives are lost in the process?

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