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1 year ago

A man does not acquire a full skillset to be told "Take Care"
and "Be Careful" by amateurs.
Raw action solves everything.
Caution breeds fear.
With a FULL skillset, you can cross realms of competence to solve issues.
I could solve a money problem with nearly any other skill, whether charm or violence.
The average man is so cautious, so afraid of action,
that they stand zero chance of ever truly escaping slavery.
You lose every hand you don’t play,
and most people talk themselves out of playing the game altogether.
While sitting on the sidelines,
these people remember the times they made the RIGHT choice not to play.
"Look! I would have lost so I’m smart for not playing!"
This reinforces their risk-averse mindset.
They count how many times they didn’t lose,
as opposed to how many times they actually won.
This is not how life is lived.
The man who loses 100 times but wins once,
still won more than the man who never played.
With practice, you can mitigate the damage from losses to the point they have no effect.
Endless free spins on the slot machine.
RAW ACTION solves nearly everything.
If I got cancer today and was locked in a jail cell with no access to medical care - I would do as many pushups as possible.
What’s the alternative?
Raw action is always required.
What will you actually DO today?

- Tate
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